

So let's pretend I can actually write well. Let's pretend that I have a trove of knowledge within me that is bursting to get out there and into the world to make it a better place. Let's pretend that I can offer something unique, a new spin on something already spinning, a ray of light on a cloudy subject... What would that be!? I would love to pour my time and talents into something that could be useful to others besides a clean diaper to my baby girl or the best chocolate chip cookie to my 3 year old son. I'd like to have the skill or ability to make a difference outside my home somehow... without leaving my home... somehow. My thoughts currently are on writing a blog and seeing if that could generate income. But, HELLO! There are millions of bloggers, millions of brains full of knowledge, millions of ambitious and brilliant folks ALREADY blogging. Also, what kind of knowledge do I have to offer?? What do I know or understand that's different than what's...

Here We Go!!

As the title of this blog would suggest, I'm a person - a mother and wife, to be exact - that spends a substantial amount of time at the sink doing dishes. Sometimes I turn on a podcast or music to numb the mind of the dissatisfaction I get out of doing dishes; and sometimes I just think. These are dangerous times! The times that I decide to sit and just think as I watch my fingers turn to raisins in the sudsiness that is my life, I come up with some pretty darn good ideas and some pretty darn crazy ones. Nonetheless, if you want to join me on my mental adventures, you're more than welcome. I must warn you... some of these ideas and notions may provide answers to questions you've had in the deepest part of your soul. In which case, you're welcome! Some may spark a question you have never considered. Some you will not agree with and some may even offend. Who knows!? But thanks to the beauty that is free speech, tough! You don't have to read it. :) Enjoy!